Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Week 4 Dec 5th OA and Billboard Assignment

OA Today! Cause it's raining!

Question: If time travel were possible - would you go into the future or past first? And why.
Photo: Photo of the day - Can be random but must have meaning to you. You don't need to put an explanation.

Todays assignment: Billboard

1. Open Billboard Image - Get image from Google Classroom 0- This should have been done earlier this week when you downloaded the palm tree image.

2. Open a new image - You can use an image that you previously modified or select a new image.
So you now have two images opened - The billboard and your image. Look for an image that is wider than tall.

3. Scale your image - Using the pulldown menu "Image" select Scale. Scale image to a size about 200 pixels tall x 300 pixels wide.

4. Copy the scaled image and past onto the billboard image. The goal is to place the image inside the billboard.

5. Using the TOOLBOX- perspective  - A dialogue box will appear. You will need to manipulate all 4 corners of the image to make it fit into the billboard. Select Transform to view. If it does not fit correctly work on the corners that are not fitting and select Transform again. Repeat until you are happy with the final product.

6. When done export your image to your desktop. Place all three images on to your blogger. The empty billboard, your photo and the combination of the two together.


Project Billboard

1. Open the image provide of the billboard in GIMP
2. Find an image of your choice and open it in GIMP
3. Most of the time the student image is signigicantl larger than the billboard image so we need to reduce the image. to reduce image select "image" and "scale image". change the size to be 300 pixels wide by "use chain" to automatically resize the height.
More info to come....See above steps

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