Monday, November 26, 2018

Week 3 Nov 25 to NOv 29


Monday convert some photos from color to b&w using photo.

Rest of Week....

Color Me, Palm Tree,  & Your Choice Photo

This week the class will venture into the world of "GIMP".

GIMP an acronym for (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free and open-source raster graphics editor used for image retouching and editing, free-form drawing, resizing, cropping, photo-montages, converting between different image formats, and more specialized tasks.

To introduce the software you will be doing a few projects.

 Color Me

In this project you will take a photo of yourself using "photo booth" Import the photo into Gimp.
Using the pull down menu from top, make the following selections.
  • Colors - Threshold - adjust image using the black triangle in the dialogue box. Select done to save changes.
  • Tool Box - using the "pencil" with the size of 'one'. Make lines where needed.
  • Tool Box - Select the "Paint Bucket"  A dialogue box will appear. Select color and pour the paint. 


Your Choice - Threshold Color Me 2

Using an image of your choice - Input into GIMP and be creative using some either some of the tools from the past two days or explore with something new.

 Palm Tree

 In this first project you will be given a photo a palm tree and modify the image with several different effects.
  • Colors - Hue Saturation (remember to click OK before next step)
  • Tool Box - smudge tool 
  • Effects- Light and Shadow - 
  • Gradient and or Super Nova Effects - Artistic - Van Gogh 

When ready to save the modified image select "Export". Make sure your image is saved as a JPG or PNG.


Ocean Scene

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