Friday, February 22, 2019

W5 Feb 25 - Mar 1

Heres to hoping for warm weather!

Done! Friday

Friday! Designed, built and installed!!!!!

Work Continues!!! M-W Work on the creation of the HHS Family Garden Kitchen.

Thurs - Trip to Mt. Baldy Ice House Canyon.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

W4 Feb 18-22

Week 4 Activities:

Monday we observed presidents day - no classes

Tuesday - Most classes out on the farm. Activities included
collecting eggs, raking up chicken and goat dong, deconstructing two pallets,  continued construction of the goat milking stand, cont. work on the goat/chicken cart.

Wednesday - Cold weather, no rain but cold. 36 at the start of school.  Cont. germinating seeds. Today the students placed corn and tomatoes into plastic.  Also continued on green screen work on the computers and the students were informed to update their blog pages. Placed the goat milking stand outside.

Thursday: Cold, Rain, Hail, and snow in Upland. Snow to 1500 feet.

Friday:  On Friday Mrs. Haver and I went to the Tractor Supply Company in  Chino and then to the LA County Fair Farm. We picked up supplies for the farm and plants for the garden! While out we received a call from Dave Schroeder of Chino Valley Water, he has purchased and brought to us some planting Trays. Things are GOOD!

These cucumbers were placed on a wet paper towel on Feb 13th.

And today we placed the plants in soil.

Running out of containers to place the plants!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

W3 Feb 11-15

Week 3 of the quarter. Please note that HHS will observe the Lincoln and Presidents Holidays on Friday this week and Monday next week.

We will be continuing on Green Screening. There will be one project assigned with 3 parts to it.

You are also responsible for turning in the GSx3 project of the Alien/Fog/Crack GS which was due last Friday.

New Project includes:  You will be using iMovie for the project.

1. Electricity
2. making yourself invisible
3. Pixie Dust

Electricity will involve you filming yourself  lining up your finger to the electricity bolt, then finding sound.

Making yourself invisible will be using the old Hollywood trick developed in the early 20th century. You will film yourself once, then again without yourself, and then again with yourself back.

Pixie Dust:  You will be simply using a text box that comes pre loaded with an affect. You will not be placing any text into the box. You will film yourself making a hand movement timed with the pixie affect.

Please Note: If we have any sunny days we will be outside preparing the garden and making some repairs to equipment.

Sunny Days:

Planted Strawberry plants (from last years garden), worked on wheelbarrow, work on taking apart a trailer, made an outdoor cage safe for the  9 chicks that were hatched last month. Placed them into the chicken coop. We also began germinating seeds. Peppers, Broccoli, Peas, Bean Poles, Pumpkins, and Sunflowers.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

W2 Feb 4-8

So we begin week 2.

We are continuing on Green Screen. Project # 2 will include a Fog GS, an Alien GS, and a Crack GS.
You are to find a photo that will work with each and then add sound.When posting to your blogger title the project Movie Magic x3.

How cute is this?  Goat Dance

FAIL!  Yes I fell in the mud on Wed Feb 6th

We have 2 new GOATS!  Goats were born on Tuesday Feb 5th