Monday - No School MLK observance.
This week time will be spent cleaning up from the massive rains we had last week. On Thursday alone last week 4" of rain fell.
Wed 1/23 we welcomed a new chick into our HHS Family Farm.
Spent Tuesday/Wednesday removing wet hay from the stalls, placing a tarp over the smaller coop area, regraded the dirt floor in the chicken coop to allow for better water flow, and handled the chickens and Felicia. First born was from a blue egg (Amauracan) suspect father to be one of the Brahmas.
Thursday 1/24 - worked on repairing irrigation lines that were damaged over winter. First chicken born from the 1/3 batch. Three other eggs hatched last night. One from a brown egg (Brahma) father appears to be a Brahma as well. Other two were small white eggs. Momma's are Leghorn
father appears to be Boy George our Silkie. Both chicks look like they are wearing Tuxedo's.
Friday 1/25 Last day of Quarter/Semester - Waffle Day - Chicken Video due. Last night the last of the eggs hatched. This guy was in distress. Somehow the egg was cracked not from his pecking. Started to dry out. Did an emergency C section on the egg around 8 PM. Came in this AM to find the chick still alive but with egg glued to is wing/butt. Removed stuck shell, it had difficult time standing and when it fell could not roll back over. Wings are critical to their balance. Right wing was not working quite right. By the end of the day all was well.
We had 5 chicks hatch this week!